Tuesday 3 July 2012

Day One - Lion Park and the Cradle of Mankind

Well, it seems that no school trip is complete without a 'passport' incident. However, not to be outdone, within 12hours, the RHS student body had delivered three minor mishaps:

· One student attending without passport (latterly retrieved by father)
· One student arriving with a passport, jam packed with stamps - (he has only arrived after a minor detour via Frankfurt)
· One student detained at Immigration in South Africa, for having an inncorect visa (thankfully Mr Mann's silky negotiations skills prevailed after 9 hours of deadlock, and a minor intervention from Nelson Mandela's office).
Thankfully we all are here now!

Anyhow, the adventure began with a trip to the 'Lion Park' (just outside Jo'Burg), featuring an open top safari and the opportunity to hold, cuddle and stroke six month lion cubs. Unfortunately, one member of staff got a little too friendly with a lion and received a nasty nip; but he has been passed fit to remain in the band.

In the afternoon, RHS travelled to the 'cradle of mankind' (a recently created museum) and a useful introduction into early hominoids, anthropology and an underground boat tour recreating the early moments of the Big Bang. The tour guides were soon impressed by the RHS student body, for when asked 'who wrote the "Origin of the Species" one plucky RHS student shouted out... 'Charles Dickens', whilst others nodly sagely in agreement.

In the evening, we were treated to a culinary extravaganza at Chief Boma's restaurant; dishes on the menu included roasted impala and ostrich steak. Unfortunately, these meat-based wonders caused some of the staff to start an impromptu conga with the employees prompting some impressive dance moves, under the instruction of a leopard-skin clad, hip-swirling, Chief Boma himself... Videos to follow shortly.

A collection of the Cultural Tour get ready to enter the 'Lion Park'.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Priceless. Sounds like an absolute scream. Still chuckling about Charles Dickens... Enjoy !
